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My University Routine

 To tell you the truth, I am not the person, who wants to make many posts per day. But, I am a graduate student and it means, that I need to do my homework to become good marks. That's why my current post is my home work for the Information Technology course. 

So, here is my really small meanings dictionary. And of course, I don't use my own mind to give these deffinitions. To my opinion, the best dictionary ever is the Cambrige dictionary. The difinitions are taken from it or are made from two or more words definitions from the dictionary by myself.

  • Information technology (noun) - the science and activity of using computers and other electronic equipment to store and send information.
  • ICT (noun) - abbreviation for information and communication technology: the use of computers and other electronic equipment and systems to collect, store, use, and send data electronically.
  • Science (noun) - (knowledge from) the careful study of the structure and behaviour of the physical world, especially by watching, measuring, and doing experiments, and the development of theories to describe the results of these activities.
  • Scientific activity (noun) - the work of a scientist or a scientists group to achieve some ame.
  • Plagiarism (noun) - the process or practice of using another person's ideas or work and pretending that it is your own.
  • Academic integrity (noun) - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that one refuse to change in the academic field. 
I hope that could be also useful for anybody else.

