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The next one...

Hi everybody! It was really long ago, when I posted something. And now I need to do something more for my studying at university. I had to do the questionnaire about the theme of my master work and to share the results. So, here we go. But in Ukrainian... At first, I share with you the link to the questionnaire in purpose you'd like to read it.  And the results, that were already analyzed: Опитування “Формування міжкультурної компетентності засобами англомовних медіатекстів” проводилося з метою визначення рівня обізнаності респондентів з теми мого магістерського дослідження. В опитуванні взяло участь 12 учасників різних вікових категорій. 11 із них (≈ 92%) були пов'язані із викладанням англійської мови у школі, або, навіть продовжують викладати її. Один із респондентів (≈ 8%) зазначив, що ніяк не пов'язаний з викладаням цієї мови в школі. Аналіз отриманих відповідей показав несподівані для мене результати. Обізнаність у тому, що є міжкультурною компетентністю є середньою
Недавние сообщения
Hi everyone! Today I have done some work for my university, or, better to say, for the qualification work.  Here you are some list of literature on the topic of my future master's research. № Автор Назва База даних URL адреса Ідентифікатор DOI 1 Torres, Lucas Latino Definitions of Success: A Cultural Model ofIntercultural Competence CORE URL 10.1177/0739986309349186 2 Michael Byram Teaching Communicative and Intercultural Competence CORE URL - 3 Saeideh Ahnagari Jafar Zamanian Intercultural Communicative Competence in Foreign Language Classroom Academia URL 10.6007/IJARBSS/v4-i11/1265 4 Byram, M. Holmes, P. Savvides, N. Intercultural communicative competence in foreign language education : questions of theory, practice and research. Durham Research Online URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09571736.2013.836343 5

My University Routine

 To tell you the truth, I am not the person, who wants to make many posts per day. But, I am a graduate student and it means, that I need to do my homework to become good marks. That's why my current post is my home work for the Information Technology course.  So, here is my really small meanings dictionary. And of course, I don't use my own mind to give these deffinitions. To my opinion, the best dictionary ever is the Cambrige dictionary . The difinitions are taken from it or are made from two or more words definitions from the dictionary by myself. Information technology (noun) - the science and activity of using computers and other electronic equipment to store and send information. ICT (noun) - abbreviation for information and communication technology : the use of computers and other electronic equipment and systems to collect, store, use, and send data electronically. Science (noun) - (knowledge from) the careful study of the structure and behaviour of the physical wor

The First One

Hello everybody!  Let me introduce myself  and to explain what kind of blog do I have here. My name is Vladylena (my friends call me Lada, just like the slavic goddess), beme from Ukraine, but living right now in Germany, so you can see my foto in ukrainian traditional clothes, but it was ma de in Germany. (Maybe, some day I will show you also the foto in german traditional clothes also😼). Don't want to speak about myself anymore, because you will have the oportunity to get to know me trough my posts. So... Conserning the blog, I will post here some things from the different branches of human being (art, traveling, science ect.), that I want to share with you. Let's have fun together!  Sinsirelly yours, Discoverer